Books for children are just for fun, but I love sharing the ideas 


Wantmore Farm - this was a set of stories I made up for my nieces and nephew. Now that I am taking a picture book course, and LOVING IT, all these ideas I had for picture books will be rewritten. Wantmore Farm is about farm animals getting all sorts of crazy ideas and thinking those are normal.


Meg the Magpie  is another picture book idea I'm working on, this time it's about luck and finding it hard to find some.


How to make the Christmas Tree Happy - we've got one beautiful Christmas tree, but it seems to be miserable. Don't worry, there is a solution.  


Frosty and Bella - these two butterflies are magic, and they don't mind sharing that magic. 


Confessions of the Snow Queen - Being cold, isn't always cold. 22,000 words, so obviously not a picture book, but it is a children's book, that needs editing.  


Jay the Dracula - Loving this YA experiment. It's about identity and being your own person. Jay finds out he has a very unique gift.