Book And Author Therapy

One-to-One Sessions


Because getting help with the first draft is the best time to get help.


Some writers swear that writer’s block is the worst thing in the world, while other writers think that writer’s block is a myth. Why is that? Why is the writing community so split when it comes to this phenomenon? No one knows. It could be because some writers take writing so seriously, they have no confidence and they feel like they can’t do something so great; they’re just not good enough. In my experience, this could be a good sign. Taking writing seriously means that the writer will apply more effort, try harder, and therefore they will write better books. Which is why overcoming that block is even more important. Helping those kinds of writers might lead to better books. Better books leads to better societies. Who doesn’t want that?


So, if you’d love to write but you feel like writing doesn’t love you – Let’s talk. 


Or if you’re afraid to click the ‘publish’ button – Let’s talk. 


Or you’re tired of general help, offered for finished manuscripts, at £100s lump sum – Let’s talk.


Or you have great ideas that you feel so passionate about until you sit down to write and then all your ideas and passion magically disappear – Let’s talk. 


It doesn’t matter if you’re stuck on a word, a sentence, a paragraph, a chapter, a short story, a novella, or your first or tenth novel – Let’s talk. 


Click here to make an appointment! You’ve got nothing to lose.

STEP 1 - Select 30 min or an hour (how long do you want our session to last)

STEP 2 - Choose the date and time.

STEP 3 - Do NOT forget to add chrityrocks to your skype account.

You're done. As simple as that. Shouldn’t take more than 2 minutes.


First half an hour is absolutely free, no obligation. If you decide that you don’t want to keep going with the session, that’s absolutely fine.




FREE first half an hour of first session for every client


Session lasts an hour and the whole session is £40 with the option to book half a session at half the price. 



Payment method:


Paypal – you will receive an invoice and request for payment to your inbox after the session, so you do not need to worry about refunds.



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.